Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Results 16/07/2011 (Sabtu)

We bet you can stay "Up All Night" listening to this latest song by Blink-182. Stay tuned for more news on an upcoming album. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends Blink-182.
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The countdown to summer has begun. Flynn, A-Rab, and Barry leave their British homeland for a sunny American summer camp in this show that premieres on UK channel E4 on July 27 at 9pm. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at E4.
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You're watching Maroon 5 belt it out! Thanks for watching Music Fridays on MSG! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at MSG Network.
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You love Megan & Liz to Pluto and Back. Thanks for checking-in 15 times! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Megan & Liz.
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15 Times in 15 Days
You're watching the new episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Enjoy your Gwen Cooper sticker, and keep tuning in Fridays on Starz. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Starz.
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Are you wearing your jersey in prep for tomorrow's final game? Thanks for watching GMA's coverage of Team USA! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Good Morning America.
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Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Results 15/07/2011 (Jumat)

You don’t have to be at Comic-Con to earn this Sunny Comic-Con sticker. Check-in from anywhere. A new season of Sunny starts in September only on FX. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at FX.
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You don’t have to go undercover to earn this special Archer Comic-Con sticker. Check-in from anywhere. Share proudly. It’s from our friends at FX. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at FX.
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Wilfred’s at Comic-Con. Check-in from anywhere and earn this special Wilfred Comic-Con sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at FX.
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Season two isn't here yet—you'll have to wait for October—but it's almost time for the cast and producers of The Walking Dead to make their appearance for a panel and signing on July 23 at San Diego Comic-Con 2011. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at AMC.
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Ride with Sons of Anarchy during Comic-Con. Check-in from anywhere and earn this special sticker. A new season of SOA starts in September only on FX. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at FX.
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Sunday, July 17 at 10/9c can't come soon enough for Breaking Bad fans like you. What will happen after the gripping events of the third season finale? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at AMC.
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You're now officially Too Cool To Care! Here's your 2nd New Boyz sticker. Keep reppin' for New Boyz & thnx for checkin' in. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at New Boyz.
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Shout Out "Too Cool To Care"
You love how their swelling melodies carry the weight of the lyrics that seem to burst forth with raw emotion. Thank you for checking-in 5 times; you are a true O.A.R. fan. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Wind-up Records.
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5 Times
Are these contestants talented enough to take on the Wipeout obstacles a second time? Thanks for watching the all-star episode of Wipeout tonight! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at ABC.
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You love all of the sweet and heartfelt songs by Plain White T's so much that you checked-in 5 times! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Hollywood Records.
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5 Times
You're watching The Big Show guest star on tonight's episode of Burn Notice. Thanks for tuning in! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network.
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You're watching the teams as they struggle through the High Atlas Mountains. Thanks for watching Expedition Impossible tonight! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at ABC.
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You really are a true Spy! That's 50 check-ins to spy-themed items!
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Spy Themes
It's Mike's first case on tonight's episode. Thanks for watching Suits! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network.
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The team investigates a string of suspicious fires in tonight's episode. Thanks for watching Rookie Blue! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at ABC.
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Welcome to the Syfy Screening Room. What do you think of the Cowboys & Aliens footage? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Syfy.
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As the leader of the Cimmerians, Corin must protect his tribe against the violent advances of evil warlord Khalar Zym. Watch Conan the Barbarian 3D when it opens in theaters on 8/19. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Lionsgate
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You're probably exhausted now but at least you're more likely to sleep better tonight knowing how this cinematic saga ends. Thank you for seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 in theaters at midnight. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros..
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You must have the speed and strength of a thousand Tiggers because you just bounced your way to the front of the line to see Winnie the Pooh in theaters. Thank you for checking-in, you just entered to win an exclusive Winnie the Pooh prize pack. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Disney.
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You better listen carefully as Janet the lioness and her mane man Joe dole out important relationship advice. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures.
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As Captain America's arch-nemesis, Red Skull is the commander of an elite terrorist organization called HYDRA. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Marvel.
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GMA has World Cup fever, and so do you! Thanks for watching GMA's coverage of Team USA. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Good Morning America.
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You're watching Brad Paisley show us what is country music! Thanks for watching him perform in GMA's Summer Concert Series. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Good Morning America.

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Panti Jompo

Seorang Pengurus Yayasan laki laki yang sudah tua ..... setiap hari dia harus dimandikan oleh seorang suster tua. 

Setelah selama 40 tahun, akhirnya suster tua yang biasa memandikannya digantikan oleh suster yang masih muda dan cantik. 

Setelah acara mandinya selesai...suster tua bertanya ke suster muda:

Suster tua: waktu kamu memandikan pak kepala biara....dia menunjukkan apa aja ke kamu???

Suster muda : pak kepala menunjukkan "kunci surga"nya yang menggantung disana...

Suster tua (sambil agak marah): lalu apa lagi?!

Suster muda: dia juga menunjukkan adanya "pintu surga" yang aku punya.... (sambil malu malu)

Suster tua: wah? lalu ngapain?!

Suster muda: pak kepala bilang kalo mau ke surga, kunci surga dia harus masuk ke pintu surgaku..... dan memang kita berdua terbang kesurga...(sambil malu malu) 

Suster tua: KURANG AJAR!!!!!! (sambil marah sekali)..... dasar penipu... selama 40 tahun ini... pak kepala bilang bahwa itu hanyalah Terompet Gabriel dan aku disuruh meniupnya setiap hari !!!!!..... 

Syukurilah Selama Kau Masih Bisa Mensyukurinya

Tubuh seseorang terdiri dari beberapa bagian yang mempunyai fungsinya masing-masing. Bagian-bagian tersebut merupakan gabungan dari beberapa bagian yang kecil dan sangat kompleks. Sesuatu yang sangat sulit untuk dibuat sendiri oleh manusia, dan disinilah kuasa Tuhan terlihat. Tuhan menciptakan manusia yang amat sangat luar biasa.

Pernahkah kau berpikir jika seandainya kau tidak memiliki salah satu bagian tubuhmu? apa yang kau rasakan? misalnya kau tidak memiliki mata, apa yang akan kau lakukan? apa kau akan diam saja menunggu seseorang untuk menyuapimu, memandikanmu, mencarikan uang untuk kau bertahan hidup? lalu, misalnya kau memiliki semuanya kecuali kakimu. Sehingga untuk berjalan, kau membutuhkan tongkat atau kursi roda.

Tentunya kita tidak bisa menerima keadaan kita begitu saja. terlebih bila kita sudah memiliki bagian tubuh tersebut sejak kita dilahirkan. tapi, kehendak Tuhan siapa yang tahu? kita hanya bisa menerima dan mensyukurinya. Lebih baik bagi kita untuk terus berkarya dan berkembang selama kita masih bisa melakukannya.

Sebenarnya, saya hanya ingin mengingatkan bahwa apapun kekurangan kita, janganlah kita berhenti untuk berusaha. justru dengan kekurangan kita, kita bisa menjadi lebih dari orang lain yang mempunyai kelebihan
tertentu. Kita bisa bangga setengah mati bila kita bisa hidup tanpa merepotkan orang lain dengan segala kekurangan kita.

Kau memiliki otak yang pas-pasan, eits stop dulu. Semua orang dilahirkan sama, diberi anugrah sama. Hanya saja kemampuan setiap orang berbeda-beda. Ada yang tertarik ke bidang sains, ada yang tertarik ke bidang olah raga, dll. Bila kau tidak hebat dalam ilmu pengetahuan tertentu, pasti kau hebat dalam bidang lain. Bila kau tidak mempunyai kelebihan dalam hal lain, jangan salahkan Tuhan. Salahkan dirimu tak mau mengembangkan diri.

Sifat dasar manusia adalah ingin menjadi lebih dari yang sekarang, namun cara yang digunakannya yang berbeda. Ada yang mandiri, ada yang butuh bantuan orang lain, ada yang menggantungkan hidup pada orang
lain, dan banyak lagi lainnya.

Orang buta pun bisa hidup normal dengan tongkat yang berfungsi sebagai matanya. Orang cacat pun bisa untuk menjalani hidupnya tanpa merepotkan orang lain. Mereka adalah contoh orang yang mensyukuri anugrah dari Tuhan, dan tetap mengembangkan hidupnya.

Syukurilah apa yang telah kau miliki. walaupun kau memiliki tubuh yang kurang sempurna, motor yang jelek, mobil yang murah, bekerja di kantor yang gajinya kecil, kuliah di kampus yang mahal, handphone yang batrenya ngedrop, syukurilah. Masih banyak orang yang tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk merasakan yang kau rasakan.

Syukurilah kau tidak harus tidur di trotoar jalan karena kau mempunyai rumah (walau milik orang tuamu). Syukurilah karena kau tidak perlu memungut sampah untuk mencari uang untuk menyambung hidup. Syukurilah karena kau bisa makan apapun yang kau inginkan tanpa harus merugikan orang lain. Syukurilah kau bisa membaca note ini karena kau sudah memahami teknologi. Dan syukurilah kau masih bisa merasakan hidup, sampai pada detik ini.

Harry Potter

Seven years after Harry Potter learned that he is a wizard, it's just him against the Dark Lord. Join the battle at http://bit.ly/plXd21, with code 'harrypotter25' for 25% off the of the video game. Grab your wands. The final battle is her
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Shout Out "Harry Potter"

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

It's a girl!

Look at that beautiful baby! She looks just like you! Congrats on one of the happiest days of your life! Now put down the phone and breathe deep. Becouse, though it's a miracle to see the baby come out, wait 'til you see what comes out of the baby!
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Hospital (Rumah Sakit)
Shout Out "It's a Girl!"

It's a boy!

Look at that beautiful baby! He looks just like you! Congrats on one of the happiest days of your life! Now put down the phone and breathe deep. Becouse, though it's a miracle to see the baby come out, wait 'til you see what comes out of the baby!
Check In
Hospital (Rumah Sakit)
Shout Out "It's a Boy!"